Message from our EPO
At ANA Trading Group, we believe that pursuing sustainable growth from environmental, social, and governance perspectives is essential to our success.
While promoting ESG management, we will expand the scope of our business by creating new value through our extensive domestic and international network.
Our future will be built through the strengthening of partnerships with our stakeholders.
Our future will be built by strengthening partnerships with our stakeholders. We are committed to working together with you to make our contribution to a future full of dreams.
EPO and Executive Vice President,
ESG Management Approach
As a member of the ANA Group, the ANA Trading Group promotes ESG management, valuing good environmental, social, and governance practices from the same long-term global perspective shared by all Group companies. In doing so, we seek to create ongoing value through our business and contribute to solving environmental and social problems as a reliable and responsible organization.
Specifically, we promote ESG management that focuses on resolving, through our business activities, issues of materiality as identified by impact assessments, enhancing our corporate value, and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.
- We will place the highest priority on safety in all of our business activities, adhere to compliance requirements, and ensure thorough risk management to conduct sound business operations and respond appropriately and promptly in the event of a crisis.
- We will identify social needs through dialogue with our stakeholders, consider them in relation to our management strategy, assess their impact on our business and society, and reflect them in our business and social activities.
- We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by working to resolve issues of materiality through our business activities.
As a member of the ANA Group, the ANA Trading Group achieves sustainable growth by creating social and economic value for a prosperous future and promotes initiatives from a global perspective, while collaborating and sharing information with other ANA Group member companies.
Internal Awareness and Promotion Activities
The ANA Trading Group conducts in-house workshops and e-learning in order for each employee to understand the materiality identified through impact assessments, view it as their to take as something to take personal ownership of them, and connect it to our business activities. We introduce topics related to the environment and human rights issues occurring in the world, as well as business activities related to materiality that business divisions and group companies are working on, in internal media such as in-house newsletters, and use this to generate ideas.